Board of Building and Engineering Appeals
This board determines the acceptability and adequacy of alternate materials, equipment, design, and types of construction; reviews decisions of the Building Official, Director of Public Works, or Fire Chief in interpretation of uniform building, plumbing, mechanical and sign codes, National Electrical Code, Chapter 17, Public Works Manual, and Uniform Fire Code, etc; and has authority to grant exceptions to relieve undue hardships when conformance of intent can still be maintained. See Article 10 of Chapter 4.
Membership Information
The Mayor, with approval of the Council, appoints five members for five year staggered terms. The Board elects its own chairman and vice chairman for 1 year terms. Three members constitute a quorum.
Current Members:
- Steve McBee, term expires July 18, 2026, appointed by Mayor Weir
- Robert Frazier, term expires July 18, 2029, appointed by Mayor Rowland
- Kevin Stallings, term expires July 18, 2029, appointed by Mayor Rowland
- Michael Fielding, term expires July 18, 2026, appointed by Mayor Weir
- Jim Pollard, term expires July 18, 2026, appointed by Mayor Weir