Heritage Commission
Membership Information
The Heritage Commission is comprised of nine members; two of which are advisory positions held by representatives of the Truman Presidential Library and the National Park Service. The remaining seven positions are appointed by the City Council. Members serve a three-year term which expires on April 1. No member shall serve for more than two full consecutive terms, and no member shall then be reappointed in less than three years. The Staff Liaison: Wendy Shay (wshay@indepmo.org)
- Mark Scherer (Chair), term expires April 1, 2026
- Duane Stephens (Vice-Chair), term expires April 1, 2025
- Josh Guldner (Secretary), term expires April 1, 2026
- Lee Argo, term expires April 1, 2025
- Robert Pruente, Jr., term expires April 1, 2027
Advisory Members
- Sam Rushay, Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum
- Carol Dage, National Parks Service
Role of the Commission
The duties of the Commission are to:
- Initiate, review, and recommend properties for designation as a local Landmark, Historic District, or Conservation District
- Establish specific design guidelines for the alteration, construction, relocation, or demolition of Landmarks or buildings within designated historic districts
- Review city-wide applications for all demolition requests
- Review all special-use permits affecting any designated property
- Initiate, review, and make recommendations concerning National Register nominations to the City Council and State Historic Preservation Office
- Initiate, develop, and maintain cultural resource surveys and inventory
- Work with various governmental agencies on matters involving historic properties in the City; and,
- Review Certificate of Appropriateness and Certificate of Economic Hardship applications.
The Commission makes its recommendations to the Planning Commission and the City Council.
Agendas, Minutes & Presentations
Online Boards & Commissions Agenda Search Tool
Past Agendas:
- Heritage Commission 7/24/2024 - Agenda
- Heritage Commission 7/24/2024 - Agenda
- Heritage Commission 6/4/2024 - Agenda
- Heritage Commission 5/7/2024 - Agenda-meeting cancellation
- Heritage Commission 4/2/2024 - Agenda
- Heritage Commission 3/5/2024 - Agenda-meeting cancellation
- Heritage Commission 2/6/2024 - Agenda
- Heritage Commission 1/4/2024 - Agenda
- Heritage Commission 12/5/2023 - Agenda-meeting cancellation
- Heritage Commission 11/7/2023 - Agenda-meeting cancellation
- Heritage Commission 10/3/2023 -Agenda
- Heritage Commission 9/7/2023 - Agenda-meeting cancellation
Online Boards & Commissions Minutes Search Tool
Past Minutes:
- Heritage Commission 2/6/2024 - Minutes
- Heritage Commission 1/4/2024 - Minutes
- Heritage Commission 10/3/2023 - Minutes