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The duties of this Board are to advise the City Council and City Manager on the use, ownership, service, operation, or franchising of public utilities.

Membership Information

The City Council shall appoint seven members, each to four-year terms, to expire July 1. The Board meets on 3rd Thursday at 2:30 pm at the Utility Center, 17221 E. 23rd Street S., Independence, MO, Independence Conference Room #117, First Floor. The Staff Liaison: Khristina Irvine (

Current Members:
  • Greg McGhee, term expires July 1, 2028, appointed by Councilmember Fears
  • Teri Mertell, term expires July 1, 2028, appointed by Councilmember Vaught
  • Brad Chance, term expires September 1, 2027, Appointed by Mayor Rowland
  • Les Boatright (Chair), term expires July 1, 2025, Appointed by Councilmember Perkins
  • Anthony Giaramita, term expires July 1, 2026, Appointed by Councilmember Wiley
  • Steve McLuckie, term expires July 1, 2028, Appointed by Councilmember McCandless
  • Michael Talcott, term expires July 1, 2026, Appointed by Councilmember Stewart

View live meetings here.