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City Initiatives on the August 6th Ballot

A project team member explains details of the Truman Connected and Downtown Streetscape projects to a member of the public in front of a round table at the Independence Uptown Market.

With an eye looking back at its history and another looking forward toward its goals to improve, the City of Independence is ready to share the latest designs and progress for two of its most significant efforts, the Truman Connected and Downtown Square Streetscape projects. 

The City of Independence and its project partners shared an update at an open house on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at the Independence Uptown Market, 211 W. Truman Rd.  

The public had the opportunity to learn the latest information related to both projects, including background and benefits, design plans, anticipated timelines, and historic preservation considerations. Open house materials will be available on the projects’ website for those that couldn’t attend. Future updates on the project will also be shared on this website as work begins later this year.  

“We are connecting residents and visitors to some of the most treasured historic and modern assets of our City for today and the next generation,” Mayor Rory Rowland said. “When we improve bicycle, pedestrian, and multimodal access, as well as enhance landscaping, lighting, and ADA accessibility, we not only address some of our long-standing connectivity and safety challenges, but we support the improvement of the overall quality of life in Independence and the creation of a more livable and inviting downtown district.” 

The Truman Connected project is 90% designed and includes a pedestrian and bicycle path connecting the Square, Truman Library, and Englewood Arts District. The Square Streetscape Improvement project is also 90% designed and includes landscaping, lighting, a cycle track, sidewalk reconstruction, ADA accessibility improvements, parking modifications, and the reconfiguration of one-way street circulation. These projects will help link residents, businesses and visitors to existing and new amenities and will improve bicycle and pedestrian connections.


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Rebecca Gannon
Public Information Officer