Childcare Providers Permitting
The City of Independence regulates childcare providers, who care for three or more unrelated children inside the city limits of Independence. Childcare providers must follow all applicable laws of the State of Missouri, the rules and regulations prescribed by the Missouri Division of Family Services, and must comply with all applicable ordinances of the City of Independence. The City Ordinance that applies to childcare is Chapter 11, Article 7. Childcare Facilities.
Childcare providers are required to obtain a permit from the City of Independence. The initial permit application fee is $250 (effective July 1, 2017). Yearly renewal fees are based on a rate of $4 per child allowed by the permit, up to a maximum of $200 per facility. Childcare inspections are performed twice annually and on a complaint basis.
To apply for a childcare permit, visit the Health Department at Independence City Hall or call 816-325-7803.