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City Initiatives on the August 6th Ballot

Board of Building and Engineering Appeals 

This board determines the acceptability and adequacy of alternate materials, equipment, design, and types of construction; reviews decisions of the Building Official, Director of Public Works, or Fire Chief in interpretation of uniform building, plumbing, mechanical and sign codes, National Electrical Code, Chapter 17, Public Works Manual, and Uniform Fire Code, etc; and has authority to grant exceptions to relieve undue hardships when conformance of intent can still be maintained. See Article 10 of Chapter 4. The Mayor, with approval of the Council, appoints five members for five (5) year staggered terms. The Board elects its own chairman and vice chairman for 1-year terms. Three members constitute a quorum. Two alternate members are to be appointed to three (3) year staggered terms.  


Contractor Licensing Review Board 

This Board meets upon call by the Board Chairman or the Building Official. The Board reviews license suspensions to determine if the license should be revoked and considers whether the applicant qualifies for a new license and considers appeals of Building Official denials. The Board may conduct hearings and may admonish, reprimand and otherwise discipline contractors and may suspend or revoke licenses. Board decisions may be appealed to the City Council.  The Building Official, or a designated deputy, is the advisor. This is a five-member board appointed for two (2) year terms and is limited to four (4) full consecutive terms. Three members shall be licensed in one of the following fields: General Contractor, Commercial Remodeling Contractor, Commercial/Residential Contractor, or Residential Contractor, one member will be either an architect or licensed engineer and one member will be a resident of Independence with some knowledge of building construction.