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City Initiatives on the August 6th Ballot


The City of Independence is committed to fostering redevelopment within distressed areas by encouraging the construction of new single-family residences and substantial rehabilitation of single-family residences.  As such, the City approved Resolution No. 6815, Building Permit Fee Waiver Program, to incentivize property owners.  The Program seeks to: 

  • Attract infill and redevelopment investment in a distressed area 
  • Encourage projects that will help reduce neighborhood blight 
  • Stimulate and facilitate proper design through planned redevelopment 

The Program will waive the building permit fees (i.e., building fees, electrical, mechanical and plumbing fees) for new single family home construction and substantial rehabilitation of single-family residences within certain geographic boundaries.  The fees not subject to the waiver are the water tap fee and temporary electrical service fee.  

Geographic Boundaries of the Program 

Use the link below for the boundaries of the program. 



The building permit fee waiver will be eligible to property owners and applicants who either construct a single-family residence or substantially rehabilitate an existing single-family residence within the geographic boundary of the Program. 

Note:  Substantial rehabilitation involves the required repairs, replacement and improvements that involve two (2) or more major building components, exterior building improvements (if required) and costs that exceed 50% (exclusive of soft cost) of the property’s Jackson County market valuation. Major building components consist of roof structures, wall and floor structures, foundations, plumbing, mechanical and electrical systems that are significant to the building and its use.