Lost & Found Pets
Animal sheltering services for the City of Independence, Missouri and unincorporated areas of Jackson County, Missouri are provided at the Jackson County Regional Animal Shelter, which is managed by the City's Animal Services Department. The shelter is located at 21001 E. M-78 Hwy., Independence, Missouri 64057.
Select from the menu on the left to view animals that are on stray hold. Stray animals impounded at the shelter are required to be held for 5 days, so if your pet has been missing for more than 6 days, you should also view our animals available for adoption. You may also call us at 816-325-7207 option 2, or email at lostpets@indepmo.org.
The shelter is open to reclaim lost pets Sunday - Saturday, 10 am - 6 pm. Please call ahead on Sunday and Monday to ensure staff availability.