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City Initiatives on the August 6th Ballot

The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) is a major financial, public infrastructure and equipment planning tool for municipalities.  The CIP is a long-range plan that identifies capital projects and equipment, provides a planning schedule, and identifies options to fund the projects and equipment.  The CIP provides a link between the various master plans, the City’s comprehensive plan, and the annual budget. 

The CIP sets forth proposed projects for constructing, maintaining, upgrading and replacing the City’s physical infrastructure and equipment necessary for continued operations and providing City services during the next six fiscal years and that further implements the vision, goals and strategies of the Independence For All Strategic Plan and Imagine Independence 2040 Comprehensive Plan. 

A CIP is not a static document, but rather, a fluid document that can be changed as the infrastructure requirements change, development occurs, and funding opportunities become available. 


Current Capital Improvements Plan 

2024-2030 Capital Improvements Program


Past Capital Improvements Plans