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City Initiatives on the August 6th Ballot

A Comprehensive Plan is a document that identifies the vision, values and priorities of a community for future years. The City of Independence adopted its current Comprehensive Plan in April, 2018; the first update since 1993. The Comprehensive Plan is called Imagine Independence 2040 – A Community Vision.   

In 2015, it had been determined through that review that an update to the Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1993 was necessary as that Plan's recommendations had been implemented and that Plan had successfully implemented the significant development that occurred in all areas of the City since its adoption. As outlined in the adopted City of Independence 2017-2021 Strategic Plan, Independence for All, it was the desire of the City Council to conduct a full update to the Comprehensive Plan.

In 2017, the firm Shockey Consulting Services,LLC was selected through a competitive selection process to assist in the Comprehensive Plan update, including a vigorous public engagement process. During the public engagement process, a variety of engagement methods were used, including formation of the Steering Committee, social media strategies, a Public Meeting, a community survey, a Comp Plan website, online engagement, project fact sheets, and in-person meetings throughout the community.  The Missouri Chapter of the American Planning Association recognized Imagine Independence 2040 – A Community Vision as the Outstanding Public Outreach Project of the Year for 2017.

The Steering Committee, a nine member committee appointed by Council, met various times to provide input on the community activities, identify issues and opportunities, refine information through an iterative process, and review and modify the draft plan. 

The final document, Imagine Independence 2040 – A Community Vision, is a result of this process. The Plan is split into five topics:

  • Business & Jobs
  • Neighborhoods & Housing
  • Community Identity
  • Public Facilities
  • Land Use

The final plan can be found here:

Comprehensive Plan 2040 Imagine Independence

Adopted in 2005, the Square Plan is a collaborative effort of various stakeholders in developing a strategy for promoting redevelopment, beautifying streetscapes, strengthening existing businesses, and attracting new businesses and residents.

Independence Square Revitalization Plan

The Little Blue Valley Comprehensive Plan Amendment covers nearly half of Independence and is focused on land use, transportation, economic development and other issues of guiding development in the Little Blue River Valley in eastern Independence. The plan amendment was adopted in 1999.

Little Blue Valley Comprehensive Plan Amendment

Truman Connected will implement multi-modal improvements to major streets in Independence. Its path begins at US 24 and MO 291 and ends at Blue Ridge Cutoff and Interstate 70 where it connects to the Truman Sports Complex and the Rock Island Corridor. The purpose is to develop a concept for a pedestrian and bicycle route that will connect residents and visitors to public transit, neighborhoods, the Independence Square, Truman Library, Englewood Arts District, Truman Sports Complex, and the Rock Island Trail. 

Truman Connected Plan

Adopted in 2006, the 24 Highway Plan examines the revitalization of the US 24 Highway Corridor, the gateway to the Truman Presidential Library and Museum. The plan explores the housing and economic development potential of the area.

US 24 Highway Corridor Study