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City Initiatives on the August 6th Ballot

The Charter Review Commission acts as an advisory board to the City Council on matters pertaining to the revision and amendment of the City Charter. It reviews best practices, seeks citizen input, consults with City boards and commissions, reviews the National Civic League Model City Charter, Ninth Edition, and reviews the current Charter in order to formulate recommendations for amendment, revision, or repeal of provisions of the Charter to the City Council. Prior to the conclusion of their terms the commission shall present a final report to City Council.

Membership Information

The Commission is made up of nine citizens of the City of Independence appointed by the City Council. The City Manager solicited applications from candidates with the qualities of leadership, temperance, judgement, and interest in the governance of the City of Independence. Applicants answered questions about their interest, their experience and how they would approach the work. 

Current members (all terms expire August 1, 2024):
  • Jacqueline Sommer (Chair)
  • John Allinder
  • Les Boatright
  • Patrick Casey
  • Carmen DeHart
  • Bruce Franks
  • Nick Huff
  • Kevin Lathrom
  • Mark McDonald
  • Terri Steele
  • Tom Waters